Monthly Meeting

March 17th, Monday 1900 hours, monthly meeting, CineCity, 2429 W. 14th Street, Chicago, IL, we’ll be supporting the Brotherhood for the Fallen at their St Patrick’s Day fundraiser. The CPMCL will pick up your $40 tab.

Veteran Pheasant Hunt

March 21st, Friday 1000 hrs, Rooster Heaven Hunt Club, 12330 North, 2900 East, Forrest, IL, Join us for a day out in the fields of Rooster Heaven for our 2nd hunt of the year. The cost is $175. After several hours of therapeutic hunting, we’ll adjourn for food and...

CPMCL Annual Shooting Contest and Meeting

April 15th, Tuesday 1600/1900 hours, CPMCL Annual Shooting Contest and Meeting, Villa Park VFW, 39 E St Charles Rd, Villa Park, IL, Come out and join us for our annual CPMCL tactical shooting competition. You can come in to shoot a string or more from 1600/1900 hours...

Run to Remember 5k

May 3rd, Saturday 0800 hours, Run to Remember 5k, Gold Star Park (SE of Soldier Field). Come out and run or walk to join us in supporting the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation. Enjoy a beautiful morning running with fellow Patriots to raise money for a great cause....